Malware, short for malicious software, is a program that is specifically developed to infiltrate a computer system without the owners’ permission with the intent of causing damage or disruption or stealing sensitive information.
The following are the types of malwares:
- Computer Virus
- Adware or spyware
- Worms
- Trojan Horse
- Backdoors
- Rootkits
- Mobile codes
- Blended threats
For this article, we’ll take a close look at the first type—the Computer Virus.
Computer virus is a malware that usually attaches to an executable program to propagate itself. When you run the infected program, the virus replicator code’s priority is to propagate so it attaches a copy of itself, including the replicator code, to other executable programs residing on your computer. When activated, the newly infected programs will then do the same to other files that are not yet infected. This is how the virus spreads quickly.
Viruses usually spread through emails, Internet messenger service, web downloads, diskettes, network drives, external hard disks and flash drives. You should always avoid opening executable files from suspicious emails or websites. Even if you are familiar with the source of an executable file, you should always exercise caution before opening.
Aside from the common Windows executable files, such as those that have .EXE, .COM, .BAT, .DLL, .OCX, .CMD, .PIF, .SCR, .VB, .VBS file extensions and others, viruses can also be attached to data files of application software such as Microsoft Office. Even Adobe Acrobat PDF, the most popular file format for document exchange in the Internet, can potentially carry virus code.
So how do you protect your computer from computer viruses? Here are some suggestions:
- Install quality anti-virus software and keep it current. Anti-malware programs require regular signature and database updates. Without these updates, these programs are unable to protect PCs from the latest threats.
- Perform daily scans. Occasionally, some threats escape the anti-virus active protective engines and infect a system. The sheer number of new and potential threats makes it inevitable that particularly inventive infections will outsmart security software. In other cases, users may inadvertently instruct anti-malware software to allow a virus or spyware program to run. Enabling daily scans can be invaluable in detecting and removing infections that initially escape your anti-virus software’s attention.
- Use firewall. If you don’t have a hardware firewall, you should at least have a software firewall installed. Windows XP and later versions have built in Windows Firewall installed. Make sure that it is turned on.
- Update your applications and operating system. Installing security updates for your system software and applications is very important to ensure that security holes are patched. Make sure that Windows Automatic Updates feature is on.
- Don’t click on email links and attachments. In the world of hypertext, what you see is not always what you will get. To illustrate this, consider the link:
If you click the above link, it would take you to the Microsoft website, right? Wrong! It will actually take you to our corporate home page at
So imagine what would happen if the supposed Microsoft link above actually points to an executable file containing a virus package? Do you understand now why you shouldn’t click on email links? - Disable Autorun. Many viruses work by attaching themselves to a drive and automatically installing themselves on any other media connected to the system. As a result, connecting any network drives, external hard disks, or even thumb drives to a system can result in the automatic propagation of such threats.
- Disable Office macros image previews in Outlook. Simply previewing a graphics that has embedded code to enable virus’ execution can result in virus infection. Also, Visual Basic scripts embedded in MS Office files has the potential of carrying virus code. It is important that you disable automatic execution of scripts in MS Office and display of images in Outlook.
There are other things you need to do to ensure security of your PC. We will continue to write articles about this and other important and related subjects. Please bookmark this and comeback soon.
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